Nova neutrino
Nova neutrino

nova neutrino

Our colleague has fulfilled the responsible role of a run coordinator of the NOvA experiment at Fermilab in 2014-2016. The Prague laboratory, with experience in avalanche photo diodes has contributed to the construction, commissioning and running the experiment and also the beam test (Fig. In 2019 the experiment built the testing site and studies the NOvA detector response to various charge particle beams from the acceleration complex. The precision is now limited with our knowledge of secondary charged particle interaction in the NOvA detectors. The high amount of data helps to increase the measurement precision. NOvA neutrino detector, constructed by University of Minnesota researchers and students, records first 3D particle tracks Recordings represent milestone in. During 2014 – March 2019 the complex delivered neutrino beam from 8.85*1020¬ POT (protons on target) and antineutrino beam from 12.33*1020 POT (Fig. The Fermilab accelerator complex is currently with its 700 kW proton beam the most powerful in the world and will raise the power in future. Light produced in these channels by the charged particles that traverse them bounces 10× on average before it is captured in a wavelength shifting fibre. In addition to containing the scintillator, the PVC structure segments the detector into 4 cm × 6 cm × 15.6 m channels. The scintillator is contained in a 15.6 × 15.6 × 64 m3, 5,000 ton PVC module structure (Fig.3). The NOvA Far Detector is a 14,000 ton detector, using 9000 tons of liquid scintillator – the largest quantity of liquid scintillator ever produced for a physics experiment – to record the tracks of charged particles. The NOvA detectors are a unique solution to the particular challenges of observing νe appearance using the NuMI neutrino beam line. Being big, however, is not enough the detector must also be highly segmented to prevent the numerous cosmic rays that cross the detector from interfering with neutrino events from Fermilab. Like all neutrino detectors, the NOvA detector must be big to overcome the small size of the neutrino interaction cross-section and the 810 km distance from the neutrino source. In addition to an intense beam, NOvA also requires a massive Far Detector and a functionally identical Near Detector. The effect is opposite in neutrinos compared to antineutrinos, so by comparing the oscillation probability measured in neutrinos to that measured with antineutrinos, NOvA can determine the mass hierarchy, resolve the nature of mass eigenstate ν3, and begin the study of CP violation in neutrinos. 2) in Minnesota, through the crust of the Earth, scattering of νe on atomic electrons can either enhance or suppress the oscillation probability, depending on the mass hierarchy. When neutrinos travel the 810 km between Fermilab and Ash River (Fig. NOvA is using two detectors to measure oscillation probabilities in Fermilab’s NuMI (Neutrinos at the Main Injector) muon neutrino beam. These data will help to unravel the remaining unknowns in our understanding of neutrino masses and mixing. This technique has been used by NOvA to self-trigger on potential core-collapse supernovae in our galaxy, with an estimated sensitivity reaching out to 10 kpc distance while achieving a detection efficiency of 23% to 49% for supernovae from progenitor stars with masses of 9.6 M☉ to 27 M☉, respectively.NOvA, Fermilab’s flagship neutrino oscillation experiment, has recorded its first neutrinos in 2014 and makes precision measurements of electron–neutrino (νe) appearance and muon–neutrino (νμ) disappearance, since.


We describe the data-driven software trigger system developed and employed by the NOvA experiment to identify and record neutrino data from nearby galactic supernovae. This signature provides a means to study the dominant mode of energy release for a core-collapse supernova occurring in our galaxy. These detectors are also sensitive to the flux of neutrinos which are emitted during a core-collapse supernova through inverse beta decay interactions on carbon at energies of O(10 MeV).

nova neutrino

The NOvA long-baseline neutrino experiment uses a pair of large, segmented, liquid-scintillator calorimeters to study neutrino oscillations, using GeV-scale neutrinos from the Fermilab NuMI beam.

Nova neutrino